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Details about bulk_post_updated_messages

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-admin/edit.php apply_filters 404 /**
* Filters the bulk action updated messages.
* By default, custom post types use the messages for the 'post' post type.
* @since 3.7.0
* @param array[] $bulk_messages Arrays of messages, each keyed by the corresponding post type. Messages are
* keyed with 'updated', 'locked', 'deleted', 'trashed', and 'untrashed'.
* @param int[] $bulk_counts Array of item counts for each message, used to build internationalized strings.

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description
array[] $bulk_messages Arrays of messages, each keyed by the corresponding post type. Messages are
int[] $bulk_counts Array of item counts for each message, used to build internationalized strings.