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Details about deactivate_

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-admin/includes/plugin.php do_action 814 /**
* Fires as a specific plugin is being deactivated.
* This hook is the "deactivation" hook used internally by register_deactivation_hook().
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$plugin`, refers to the plugin basename.
* If a plugin is silently deactivated (such as during an update), this hook does not fire.
* @since 2.0.0
* @param bool $network_deactivating Whether the plugin is deactivated for all sites in the network
* or just the current site. Multisite only. Default false.

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description
string $plugin Path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory.
bool $network_deactivating Whether the plugin is deactivated for all sites in the network