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Details about debug_information

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-admin/includes/class-wp-debug-data.php apply_filters 1457 /**
* Filters the debug information shown on the Tools -> Site Health -> Info screen.
* Plugin or themes may wish to introduce their own debug information without creating
* additional admin pages. They can utilize this filter to introduce their own sections
* or add more data to existing sections.
* Array keys for sections added by core are all prefixed with `wp-`. Plugins and themes
* should use their own slug as a prefix, both for consistency as well as avoiding
* key collisions. Note that the array keys are used as labels for the copied data.
* All strings are expected to be plain text except `$description` that can contain
* inline HTML tags (see below).
* @since 5.2.0
* @param array $args {
* The debug information to be added to the core information page.
* This is an associative multi-dimensional array, up to three levels deep.
* The topmost array holds the sections, keyed by section ID.
* @type array ...$0 {
* Each section has a `$fields` associative array (see below), and each `$value` in `$fields`
* can be another associative array of name/value pairs when there is more structured data
* to display.
* @type string $label Required. The title for this section of the debug output.
* @type string $description Optional. A description for your information section which
* may contain basic HTML markup, inline tags only as it is
* outputted in a paragraph.
* @type bool $show_count Optional. If set to `true`, the amount of fields will be included
* in the title for this section. Default false.
* @type bool $private Optional. If set to `true`, the section and all associated fields
* will be excluded from the copied data. Default false.
* @type array $fields {
* Required. An associative array containing the fields to be displayed in the section,
* keyed by field ID.
* @type array ...$0 {
* An associative array containing the data to be displayed for the field.
* @type string $label Required. The label for this piece of information.
* @type mixed $value Required. The output that is displayed for this field.
* Text should be translated. Can be an associative array
* that is displayed as name/value pairs.
* Accepted types: `string|int|float|(string|int|float)[]`.
* @type string $debug Optional. The output that is used for this field when
* the user copies the data. It should be more concise and
* not translated. If not set, the content of `$value`
* is used. Note that the array keys are used as labels
* for the copied data.
* @type bool $private Optional. If set to `true`, the field will be excluded
* from the copied data, allowing you to show, for example,
* API keys here. Default false.
* }
* }
* }
* }

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description
array $arg s {