Action hook 'invite_user'

in WP Core File wp-admin/user-new.php at line 111


Fires immediately after an existing user is invited to join the site, but before the notification is sent.


Filename Line Number
wp-admin/user-new.php 111


Type Name Description
int $user_id The invited user's ID.
array $role Array containing role information for the invited user.
string $newuser_key The key of the invitation.


			 * Fires immediately after an existing user is invited to join the site, but before the notification is sent.
			 * @since 4.4.0
			 * @param int    $user_id     The invited user's ID.
			 * @param array  $role        Array containing role information for the invited user.
			 * @param string $newuser_key The key of the invitation.