WordPress Hooks Explorer

Listing all hooks extracted WordPress Core

Details about load-

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-admin/admin.php do_action 237 /**
* Fires before a particular screen is loaded.
* The load-* hook fires in a number of contexts. This hook is for plugin screens
* where a callback is provided when the screen is registered.
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$page_hook`, refers to a mixture of plugin
* page information including:
* 1. The page type. If the plugin page is registered as a submenu page, such as for
* Settings, the page type would be 'settings'. Otherwise the type is 'toplevel'.
* 2. A separator of '_page_'.
* 3. The plugin basename minus the file extension.
* Together, the three parts form the `$page_hook`. Citing the example above,
* the hook name used would be 'load-settings_page_pluginbasename'.
* @see get_plugin_page_hook()
* @since 2.1.0
wp-admin/admin.php do_action 284 /**
* Fires before a particular screen is loaded.
* The load-* hook fires in a number of contexts. This hook is for plugin screens
* where the file to load is directly included, rather than the use of a function.
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$plugin_page`, refers to the plugin basename.
* @see plugin_basename()
* @since 1.5.0
wp-admin/admin.php do_action 385 /**
* Fires before a particular screen is loaded.
* The load-* hook fires in a number of contexts. This hook is for core screens.
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$pagenow`, is a global variable
* referring to the filename of the current screen, such as 'admin.php',
* 'post-new.php' etc. A complete hook for the latter would be
* 'load-post-new.php'.
* @since 2.1.0

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description