WordPress Hooks Explorer

Listing all hooks extracted WordPress Core

Details about login_form_

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-login.php do_action 520 /**
* Fires before a specified login form action.
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$action`, refers to the action
* that brought the visitor to the login form.
* Possible hook names include:
* - `login_form_checkemail`
* - `login_form_confirm_admin_email`
* - `login_form_confirmaction`
* - `login_form_entered_recovery_mode`
* - `login_form_login`
* - `login_form_logout`
* - `login_form_lostpassword`
* - `login_form_postpass`
* - `login_form_register`
* - `login_form_resetpass`
* - `login_form_retrievepassword`
* - `login_form_rp`
* @since 2.8.0

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description