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Details about plugins_api

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php apply_filters 150 /**
* Filters the response for the current WordPress.org Plugin Installation API request.
* Returning a non-false value will effectively short-circuit the WordPress.org API request.
* If `$action` is 'query_plugins' or 'plugin_information', an object MUST be passed.
* If `$action` is 'hot_tags' or 'hot_categories', an array should be passed.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param false|object|array $result The result object or array. Default false.
* @param string $action The type of information being requested from the Plugin Installation API.
* @param object $args Plugin API arguments.

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description
object $args Plugin API arguments.
string $action The type of information being requested from the Plugin Installation API.