WordPress Hooks Explorer

Listing all hooks extracted WordPress Core

Details about rss_update_period

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-includes/feed-rdf.php apply_filters 40 /**
* Fires at the end of the feed root to add namespaces.
* @since 2.0.0
wp-includes/feed-rss2-comments.php apply_filters 56 /**
* Fires at the end of the RSS root to add namespaces.
* @since 2.8.0
wp-includes/feed-rss2.php apply_filters 59 /**
* Filters how often to update the RSS feed.
* @since 2.1.0
* @param string $duration The update period. Accepts 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly',
* 'yearly'. Default 'hourly'.

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description
string $duration The update period. Accepts 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly',