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Details about safecss_filter_attr_allow_css

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-includes/kses.php apply_filters 2533 /**
* Filters the check for unsafe CSS in `safecss_filter_attr`.
* Enables developers to determine whether a section of CSS should be allowed or discarded.
* By default, the value will be false if the part contains \ ( & } = or comments.
* Return true to allow the CSS part to be included in the output.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param bool $allow_css Whether the CSS in the test string is considered safe.
* @param string $css_test_string The CSS string to test.

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description
bool $allow_css Whether the CSS in the test string is considered safe.
string $css_test_string The CSS string to test.