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Details about set-screen-option

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-admin/includes/misc.php apply_filters 763 /**
* Filters a screen option value before it is set.
* The filter can also be used to modify non-standard [items]_per_page
* settings. See the parent function for a full list of standard options.
* Returning false from the filter will skip saving the current option.
* @since 2.8.0
* @since 5.4.2 Only applied to options ending with '_page',
* or the 'layout_columns' option.
* @see set_screen_options()
* @param mixed $screen_option The value to save instead of the option value.
* Default false (to skip saving the current option).
* @param string $option The option name.
* @param int $value The option value.

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description
mixed $screen_option The value to save instead of the option value.
string $option The option name.
int $value The option value.