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Details about site_status_persistent_object_cache_notes

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php apply_filters 2492 /**
* Filters the second paragraph of the health check's description
* when suggesting the use of a persistent object cache.
* Hosts may want to replace the notes to recommend their preferred object caching solution.
* Plugin authors may want to append notes (not replace) on why object caching is recommended for their plugin.
* @since 6.1.0
* @param string $notes The notes appended to the health check description.
* @param string[] $available_services The list of available persistent object cache services.

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description
string $notes The notes appended to the health check description.
string[] $available_services The list of available persistent object cache services.