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Details about site_status_tests

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php apply_filters 2699 /**
* Filters which site status tests are run on a site.
* The site health is determined by a set of tests based on best practices from
* both the WordPress Hosting Team and web standards in general.
* Some sites may not have the same requirements, for example the automatic update
* checks may be handled by a host, and are therefore disabled in core.
* Or maybe you want to introduce a new test, is caching enabled/disabled/stale for example.
* Tests may be added either as direct, or asynchronous ones. Any test that may require some time
* to complete should run asynchronously, to avoid extended loading periods within wp-admin.
* @since 5.2.0
* @since 5.6.0 Added the `async_direct_test` array key for asynchronous tests.
* Added the `skip_cron` array key for all tests.
* @param array[] $tests {
* An associative array of direct and asynchronous tests.
* @type array[] $direct {
* An array of direct tests.
* @type array ...$identifier {
* `$identifier` should be a unique identifier for the test. Plugins and themes are encouraged to
* prefix test identifiers with their slug to avoid collisions between tests.
* @type string $label The friendly label to identify the test.
* @type callable $test The callback function that runs the test and returns its result.
* @type bool $skip_cron Whether to skip this test when running as cron.
* }
* }
* @type array[] $async {
* An array of asynchronous tests.
* @type array ...$identifier {
* `$identifier` should be a unique identifier for the test. Plugins and themes are encouraged to
* prefix test identifiers with their slug to avoid collisions between tests.
* @type string $label The friendly label to identify the test.
* @type string $test An admin-ajax.php action to be called to perform the test, or
* if `$has_rest` is true, a URL to a REST API endpoint to perform
* the test.
* @type bool $has_rest Whether the `$test` property points to a REST API endpoint.
* @type bool $skip_cron Whether to skip this test when running as cron.
* @type callable $async_direct_test A manner of directly calling the test marked as asynchronous,
* as the scheduled event can not authenticate, and endpoints
* may require authentication.
* }
* }
* }

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description
array[] $test s {