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Details about wp_create_file_in_uploads

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php apply_filters 3983 /**
* Ajax handler for cropping an image.
* @since 4.3.0
wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php apply_filters 4011 /**
* Fires before a cropped image is saved.
* Allows to add filters to modify the way a cropped image is saved.
* @since 4.3.0
* @param string $context The Customizer control requesting the cropped image.
* @param int $attachment_id The attachment ID of the original image.
* @param string $cropped Path to the cropped image file.
wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php do_action 879 /**
* Fires after the header image is set or an error is returned.
* @since 2.1.0
* @param string $file Path to the file.
* @param int $attachment_id Attachment ID.
wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php apply_filters 902 /**
* Fires after the header image is set or an error is returned.
* @since 2.1.0
* @param string $file Path to the file.
* @param int $attachment_id Attachment ID.
wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php apply_filters 1061 /**
* Display third step of custom header image page.
* @since 2.1.0
* @since 4.4.0 Switched to using wp_get_attachment_url() instead of the guid
* for retrieving the header image URL.
wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php apply_filters 1404 /**
* Gets attachment uploaded by Media Manager, crops it, then saves it as a
* new object. Returns JSON-encoded object details.
* @since 3.9.0
wp-admin/includes/class-custom-background.php do_action 536 /**
* Handles an Image upload for the background image.
* @since 3.0.0

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description
string $file Path to the file.
int $attachment_id Attachment ID.
string $file Path to the file.
int $attachment_id Attachment ID.
string $file Path to the file.
int $attachment_id Attachment ID.
string $file Path to the file.
int $attachment_id Attachment ID.