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Details about wp_iframe_tag_add_loading_attr

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-includes/media.php apply_filters 2111 /**
* Filters the `loading` attribute value to add to an iframe. Default `lazy`.
* Returning `false` or an empty string will not add the attribute.
* Returning `true` will add the default value.
* @since 5.7.0
* @param string|bool $value The `loading` attribute value. Returning a falsey value will result in
* the attribute being omitted for the iframe.
* @param string $iframe The HTML `iframe` tag to be filtered.
* @param string $context Additional context about how the function was called or where the iframe tag is.

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description
string|bool $value The `loading` attribute value. Returning a falsey value will result in
string $iframe The HTML `iframe` tag to be filtered.
string $context Additional context about how the function was called or where the iframe tag is.