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Details about wp_read_video_metadata

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Filename Hook Type Line Number PHP Doc
wp-admin/includes/media.php apply_filters 3636 /**
* Filters the array of metadata retrieved from a video.
* In core, usually this selection is what is stored.
* More complete data can be parsed from the `$data` parameter.
* @since 4.9.0
* @param array $metadata Filtered video metadata.
* @param string $file Path to video file.
* @param string|null $file_format File format of video, as analyzed by getID3.
* Null if unknown.
* @param array $data Raw metadata from getID3.

Hook Parameters

Parameter Type Name Description
array $metadata Filtered video metadata.
string $file Path to video file.
string|null $file_format File format of video, as analyzed by getID3.
array $data Raw metadata from getID3.